I have a question
I have written the code below by using sklearn
self.model = SVM.OneClassSVM(gamma='scale', kernel='rbf').fit(training_set)
classification_report(self.ground_truth_label, self.predicted_results, target_names=target_names)
However, this picture below shows f1 score (Macro) is not located between precision and recall
I know f1 = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
Thank you for your explanation !
The macro average f1-score
given by classification_report
is the unweighted average of the f1-scores for the two classes in your dataset, i.e.
(0.12 + 0.67) / 2 ≈ 0.40
It is not, as you might have thought, the f1-score computed with the macro averages of precision and recall.
To put it in another way:
it is the average of all f1-scores
it is not the f1-score
of the (precision and recall) averages