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Ionic 5, different files for PWA and native builds

I want to use the same code-base for my Website and native mobile apps. I am building the native apps using ionic cordova build <platform> and deploying the website with ionic serve --external --prod inside a docker. I need toh convert the bottom-tab navigation bar on my app to a sidebar on my website. This will require change in routing and HTML files. But all the other files which we are displaying remain the same. So, How do i deploy different files for my website and different ones for my native app on every version?


  • Ionic Platform service

    • You could use the Ionic Platform service to determine the platform of the user's current device, then based on different platforms, display your desired template using *ngIf directive

    TS file

    import { Platform } from '@ionic/angular';
    export class MyPage {
      is_native: boolean;
      is_pwa: boolean;
      constructor(public platform: Platform) {
         this.is_native ='hybrid');
         this.is_pwa ='pwa');

    HTML template

        <div #sideMenu *ngIf="is_pwa">...
        <div #navBar *ngIf="is_native">...

    Updated: Shell script

    Another way is to replace your template files with different ones using shell scripts.

    cp src/app/componenets/template.pwa.html src/app/componenets/template.html
    ionic serve --external --prod