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Azure DevOps deploy to on-prem servers?

I am looking on how to do release pipelines to on-prem servers. I have read about self-hosted agents that are part of an agent pool. But I am also reading about deployment groups for target servers. Correct me if I am wrong, but deployment groups seem like a decentralized deployment as each target machine needs the agent installed and is responsible for deploying files onto the same machine. Also I read that deployment groups only work with classic release pipelines. So are deployment groups deprecated? Any guidance would be appreciated.


  • Apart from classic release pipelines, you can use YAML to author CI/CD pipelines, Create your first pipeline.

    It's possible. All you need is a self-hosted agent and a deployment group. In my pipeline build I used the following tasks: MSBuild@1 PublishBuildArtifacts@1 Then in Release Pipeline: IIS Deployment

    You can check availability and upcoming features at Azure DevOps Feature Timeline

    References: Is it possible to connect azure pipelines to on premise servers?

    Automating deployments to on premise servers with Azure DevOps