I want to distribute a list of alerts/notifications evenly amongst a list of active employees to try ensure that everyone has a similar number of responsabilities. I currently recieve a list of the alerts to be assigned and the active users plus the number of activities each one has currently assigned. As of right now I have only managed to achieve the distribution in the same order as the for loop iterates, but I can't think of a way to evenly do this.
For example:
I want to assign tasks to e1 and e2 until they reach 3 and then the loop can continue as normal until it runs out of alerts.
Employee is a dictionary containing {"id": "oid", "alerts": int} unassignedAlerts is just a list of ObjectIds
for alert in unassignedAlerts:
for employee in activeEmployees:
if employee ["alerts"] > maxAlerts:
maxAlerts = employee["alerts"]
elif employee ["_id"] in activeUsers:
UpdateOne({"_id": alert}, {"$set": {"employeeResponsible": employee["_id"], "status": "assigned"}})
employee["alerts"] += 1
Any ideas are appreciated.
This is a classic load balancing problem. The brute force method is to repeatedly find the employee who currently has the minimum number of alerts:
for alert in unassigned_alerts:
assigned_employee = min(active_employees, key=lambda e: e["alerts"])
assigned_employee["alerts"] += 1
This runs in O(m*n)
time, where m
is the number of unassigned alerts and n
is the number of active employees.
You can improve this to O(m*log(n))
by using a min-heap data structure to find the optimal employee. Python offers a built-in min-heap implementation in the heapq
module. To use it, you could store the employees as a list of pairs (tuples of length 2), where the first element is the number of alerts and the second element is the dictionary containing other information:
import heapq
active_employees = [
(3, {"name": "John", "id": 1}),
(5, {"name": "Jane", "id": 2})
for alert in unassigned_alerts:
num_alerts, assigned_employee = heapq.heappop(active_employees)
heapq.heappush(active_employees, (num_alerts+1, assigned_employee))
Finally, I should mention that you do not need to always assign to the employee with minimum load. You can achieve a very good balance (with high probability) by simply picking two employees at random and then assigning to the one with less work. See this excellent blog post for more details.