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How to attach a file to a nested form in Rails using Capybara attach_file

I'm having trouble attaching a file using Minitest with Capybara in Rails. The problem is that the file field is in a nested form. The nested form gets a random ID and name added to it, so I can't select by these.

Normally when it's not a nested form this works:

attach_file("post[featured_image]", "#{Rails.root.join("test/fixtures/files/example-featured-image.jpg")}")

But, on the nested form the form field looks like this:

enter image description here

I thought this should work:

within(".image-upload") do
  attach_file('input[type="file"]', "#{Rails.root.join("test/fixtures/files/example-featured-image.jpg")}", make_visible: true)

But that gives me this error:

Minitest::UnexpectedError:         Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find file field "input[type=\"file\"]" that is not disabled within #<Capybara::Node::Element tag="fieldset"

I've also tried other methods described in the capybara docs here.

Is there a way to do this? The only time I've gotten capybara attach_file to work is when I've been able to target the element name as in the post[featured_image example above.


  • You're not showing enough HTML to confirm that the input field is actually within the .image-upload fieldset, but assuming it is then it's possible the real file input is actually hidden, and replaced with something else for styling purposes. Additionally the locator passed to attach_file is not CSS it's the id, name, or associated label text (ie 'input[type="file"]' is not valid there). Given all that there's a number of things you could do

    If the file field is visible and the only one in scope then skip the locator


    If it's visible and there are multiple in scope then pick the one you want using name or id filter, potentially with a regexp

    attach_file(Rails.root.join("test/fixtures/files/example-featured-image.jpg"), id: /images_attributes_0_image_file/)

    If the file field is actually hidden then try

    attach_file(Rails.root.join("test/fixtures/files/example-featured-image.jpg")) {
       # do whatever the user would do to initiate selecting a file
       # click('Upload File') - etc

    That would be emulating the user as much as possible - if that doesn't work then another approach would be to attempt to force the file input to be visible like

    attach_file(Rails.root.join("test/fixtures/files/example-featured-image.jpg"), make_visible: true)