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Is it possible to create a question based for r-exams, based on Venn diagrams code from TikZ?

I'm trying to create a question in RMarkdown, using r-exams, based on the Venn diagrams package from TikZ I can't get it to work properly.

Here part of my code:



What's more,

```{r grafica01, echo = FALSE, results = "asis"}
include_tikz(grafika01, name = "grafiko1", markup = "markdown",format = typ,library = 
c("arrows"),packages = 
width = "7cm")

Thank you.


  • (Note: This is really more about combining {tikz} and {venndiagram} and does not have much to do with R/exams.)

    If you want to put a {venndiagram3sets} into a {tikzpicture} then you need to include it in a \node{...};:

    grafika01 <- '

    And this LaTeX code can then be compiled successfully, e.g., using include_tikz():

    include_tikz(grafika01, name = "grafiko1", markup = "markdown", format = typ,
      packages = "venndiagram", width = "7cm")