Hi I'm building a client using typescript 10+ after I log in I receive a set-cookie with JSESSIONID and since is an HttpOnly true I can`t auto set it in the browser and somehow I expect this to be automated
I need to set it to the browser on every response and gipe it back at every request from the Server
logIn(restUserDTO: RestUserDTO): Observable<any> {
const haderParameters = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
'Authorization' :'BASIC '+ btoa(restUserDTO.username+":"+restUserDTO.password)
const haderOprions = {
headers:new HttpHeaders(haderParameters)
return this.http.post(constants.serverUrl+'api/rest/wout/login',null,haderOprions)
this is my code for logging in what I`m missing?
thank you for your time
if you want cookies to work both ways you have to include credentials for your requests
http.post('url', null, {...haderOprions, withCredentials: true});