I have table A like below:
ID QuestionCode Question
1 Q1 What is your name
2 Q2 How old are you
3 Q3 Where are you from
Also, I have table B like below:
UserId Q1 Q2 Q3
1 Ahmad 22 Egypt
2 John 31 USA
3 Daniel 32 Mexico
What I want is to create a view using the question itself instead of the its code in the column name like:
UserId What Is Your Name How old are you Where are you from
1 Ahmad 22 Egypt
2 John 31 USA
3 Daniel 32 Mexico
What is the best way to do it? Any help would be appreciated.
Updated ... Missed the 2016 tag
SQL Server is declarative by design and does not support macro substitution. This leaves Dynamic SQL.
Here is a working example of the Dynamic SQL
Declare @tsql nvarchar(max) = N'Select top 1 * from Answers
Select @tsql = 'Select '+stuff((Select ',' +expr From (
select expr=concat(coalesce(quotename(Question),Name),'=',Name)
From sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(@tsql,null,null ) A
Left Join Questions B on B.QuestionCode=A.name
) src For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')+' From Answers'