We have implemented QAF in our project but finding it difficult with Angular pages. Can we implement ngWebDriver (Protractor) with QAF. Also, I'm reading about FluentSelenium. Any direction to work with new-age technologies
QAF is very advanced framework with lots of features and capability from beginning.
For Angular/ngWebDriver refer related post and example of custom locator strategy for anngular js.
Regarding FluentSelenium, you can use as below:
myScreenShotOnError = ...
fwd = new FluentWebDriver(new WebDriverTestBase().getDriver(), new CompositeMonitor(new HighlightOnError(ffd), myScreenShotOnError));
However there are many features already exists in qaf that you can use. Here is list of few:
public void onFailure(QAFExtendedWebElement element, CommandTracker commandTracker) {
//check and close popup if exist
// Actions action = new Actions(element.getWrappedDriver());
// action.sendKeys(Keys.ESCAPE).build().perform();
System.out.println(commandTracker.getCommand() + " element command retring");
if (commandTracker.hasException()
&& commandTracker.getException() instanceof StaleElementReferenceException) {