I am using Visual Studio with vb.net, asp.net, and webforms.
I populate two datatables and place some values into two checkboxlists (Populate Available Checkboxlist and Populate Active Checkboxlist). That all works great.
Here is where I am stuck and need help.
First Step: In Available, I have a column called ID. The ID values are unique as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. In Active, I have ID which correspond to those, but there can be multiples, such as 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, etc. So what I need to do is COUNT how many of each ID is in Active. For example, in 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4 there are three 1's, one 2, one 3, and one 4. How can I do that?
Second Step: After I do that, I need to do subtraction. I need to see what MaxAccount is (such as 5) and subtract it from Step 1. So for example, if MaxAccount is 5 and I have three 1's, then 5 - 3 = 2.
Third Step: I need to update AccountTotal with the value from step 2.
You can see my attempt to code this at UpdateAccountTotal() but just get stuck.
Update AccountTotal
Private Function UpdateAccountTotal() As DataTable
Dim dtDefaultAvailable As New DataTable
dtDefaultAvailable = ViewState("vsDefaultAvailable")
Dim dtDefaultActive As New DataTable
dtDefaultActive = ViewState("vsDefaultActive")
Dim dtDefaultAmount As New DataTable
ViewState("vsDefaultAmounts") = dtDefaultAmount
For Each rowAvailable In dtDefaultAvailable.Rows
Dim maxAccount = rowAvailable("MaxAccount").ToString()
'For Each rowActive In dtDefaultActive.Rows
'Dim ID = rowAvailable("ID").ToString()
'Dim countID = ID.Count
End Function
It's probably not how I'd do it, but:
For Each rowAvailable as DataRow In dtDefaultAvailable.Rows
Dim maxAccount = DirectCast(rowAvailable("MaxAccount"), Integer) 'it's an int, right?
'step 2 and 3
rowAvailable("AccountTotal") = maxAccount - dtDefaultActive.Rows.Cast(Of DataRow).Count(Function(r) r("ID").Equals(rowAvailable("ID")))
As for how I'd do it:
[MaxAccount] - COUNT(Child.Id)
Strongly typed datatables designed visually are a lot nicer to work with in code. Were your datatables strongly typed, the code would look like:
For Each rowAvailable In dtDefaultAvailable
'step 2 and 3
rowAvailable.AccountTotal = rowAvailable.MaxAccount - dtDefaultActive.Count(Function(r) r.ID = rowAvailable.ID)
Much less messy when everything isn't an object, accessed by a string and needing casting.. And Intellisense works..