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Procedures and reporters with default valued arguments in NetLogo

I am new to NetLogo but coming from previous functional programming languages.

Is there a way to have default values in procedures and reporters? or the norm is to set up global variables for parameters?


  • Sadly, no, there is no built-in way to provide default values for procedure arguments, command or reporter. There is at least one alternative I can think of that might provide some of the benefit, but it's not quite the same.

    You didn't provide code for what you're doing, so I'll make a toy example:

    to setup
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 red 1
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 blue 1
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 green 1
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 orange 1
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 violet 1
      make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 yellow 1
    to make-colony [colony-patch ant-count colony-color ant-size]
      ask colony-patch [
        set pcolor colony-color
        sprout ant-count [
          set shape "bug"
          set color colony-color
          set size ant-size
          fd 1

    You can "store" the default values using anonymous procedures, but that anonymous procedure will have a fixed number of arguments it takes for the non-default values. Below I have the "regular" method from the starting example, but I build an anonymous procedure that provides the common arguments except for the color. You could store that make-regular-colony anonymous procedure in a global variable if you wanted to use it in multiple locations in code, you'd just have to make sure it's always set before running that code (setup after the clear-all is a good place).

    to setup
      let make-regular-colony [ c -> make-colony (one-of patches with [pcolor = black]) 10 c 1 ]
      (run make-regular-colony red)
      (run make-regular-colony blue)
      (run make-regular-colony green)
      (run make-regular-colony orange)
      (run make-regular-colony violet)
      (run make-regular-colony yellow)
    to make-colony [colony-patch ant-count colony-color ant-size]
      ask colony-patch [
        set pcolor colony-color
        sprout ant-count [
          set shape "bug"
          set color colony-color
          set size ant-size
          fd 1

    This example isn't great, because you could just use foreach like foreach [red blue green orange violet yellow] [ c -> make-colony ... ] to get the same effect, but hopefully it makes the idea clear.