I want to create a web server like testflight. I want to upload only the ipa file and fetch the provision profile. So the user don't need to add the provision profile. Is there a solution for this?
Also, how is testflight working to install an application in a device?
Actually the embedded profile in your ad-hoc distribution will install on the user's device automatically while downloaded OTA. Check Apples docs on Distributing Enterprise Apps for iOS 4 Devices, section Installing Apps Wirelessly. For a full sample read [deleted]
Edit: The link above was broken, and seems to have moved to: http://aaronparecki.com/articles/2011/01/21/1/how-to-distribute-your-ios-apps-over-the-air
Also since iOS 7.0.3, the plist (not the ipa) must be hosted on a ssl secured site (https).