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How to delete public storage files older than last one hour?

I'm working on a project which requires deleting all files from storage/public/dir_name/. Example file name is jIK4uh.png. I am supposed to use a cron job for this task. Here is the method I'm following.


class ClearPublicStorageCron extends Command {

  protected $signature = 'storage:clear';
  public function handle()
      Log::info("Public storage files cleared!");

      // tasks logic here

      $this->info('Cron command run successfully');


class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel {
  protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Then running php artisan schedule:run

Now how to select all files that are older than last one hour and delete those in every hour by following this strategy? Or any other efficient idea to do this stuff ?

Laravel version : 7.30


  • Basic idea is to using storage lastModified datetime

    get last modified datetime from file

       //delete file here

    If you are storing filename in database then you can delete based on file uploaded date


    $files = Storage::disk("public")->allFiles("claim-images");
    foreach ($files as $file) {
       $time = Storage::disk('public')->lastModified($file);
       $fileModifiedDateTime = Carbon::parse($time);
       if (Carbon::now()->gt($fileModifiedDateTime->addHour(1))) {
         //storage symbolic link files not required to delete.Still providing here for you reference
       if (File::exists(public_path('storage/' . $file))) {
             File::delete(public_path('storage/' . $file));