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Angular AuthGuard and login persistence: Router automatically redirects to non-truthy route even if logged in

As the title suggests, I want to protect routes via canLoad. This works to some extent. However, I have two issues with the code.

Here are my code snippets


ngOnInit(): void {


user = new BehaviorSubject<User>(null as any);
reauthenticate(): Observable<User> {
    // return HTTP call here and pipe the user data into user BehaviorSubject


      return this.authServ.user.pipe(
        map((user) => {
          if (!!user?._token) {
            return true;
          return false;

As you can guess, the router can access the user but still redirects to the /login path. Knowing it doesn't work, I brute-forced my way, making two HTTP calls to the server (which is generally bad, I know) to trick the system into acknowledging a persistent user. Here is the code snippet.


canLoad() {
      return this.authServ.user.pipe(
        switchMap((user) => {
          if (!!user && !!user._token) {
            return of(user);
          return this.authServ.reauthenticate();
        map((user) => {
          if (!!user?._token) {
            return true;
          return false;

So my question boils down to either of these two things:

  1. How can I make sure that I only call the re-tokenizer endpoint only once but still not continue to not be routed upon refresh?
  2. How can I make the BehaviorSubject work until I receive a user object?

I have checked the following links: AuthGuard router angular and What is the difference between Subject and BehaviorSubject?. However, upon using a Subject, I may need to reauthenticate the user every time I visit a guarded route which is counterintuitive.


  • Okay, so I've solved this problem. What I did was to create a new Subject at the AuthService. The guard checks if the BehaviorSubject inside the AuthService returns a null, and if it does, I will switchMap into using the Subject. Here is the code.


    canLoad() {
        return this.authServ.user.pipe(
            switchMap((user) => {
              if (!!user && !!user._token) {
                return of(user);
              return this.authServ.initialLogin;
            map((user) => {
              if (!!user?._token) {
                return true;
              return false;


    user = new BehaviorSubject<User>(null as any);
    initialLogin = new Subject<User>();
    reauthenticate(): Observable<User> {
        // return HTTP call here and pipe the user data into user BehaviorSubject
        return this.http.get<User>(URL, {withCredentials: true}).pipe(tap((user) => {


    ngOnInit(): void {

    This way, I only authenticate once upon the start of the project