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ASP.NET how can I add additional data to database cell without deleting previous data

I have a database which holds informations of students and their lectures. My aim is : Student will select lecture and when they press the button, their selected value will be added to database cell without deleting previous data.

For example: Previous Database

This is the current database. When I click save button the cell deletes its current value and changes his value to the new one. But I want it to not delete the previous value.

This is what I want

For the proccess I am using this command :

 protected void Kaydet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    OleDbConnection baglanti = new OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = C:/Users/ERKAN/Desktop/Final/Veritaban.mdb; Persist Security Info = False");


    OleDbCommand EKLE = new OleDbCommand("UPDATE Ogrenciler SET OgrenciDersler='" + DersList.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' WHERE OgrenciAd='" + Usernamelabel.Text+ "'", baglanti);

    OleDbDataReader kayitekle = EKLE.ExecuteReader();

    if (kayitekle.Read())
        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "alert('Record Inserted Successfully')", true);
        Response.Write("Kayıt başarısız");


I am Not sure what should I use instead of "Update" command. So I am looking for your helps. Also it would be better if I knew how to delete selected value from the database cell.

I am using ASP.NET webforms and as a database access database.


  • It seems that you want to INSERT a new record into this table instead of UPDATING the old one, e.g.

    INSERT INTO SET OgId, OgrenciDersler VALUES "+ your id + ", '" + DersList.SelectedItem.ToString() + "' 

    You may want to have a good read about access SQL commands here before you do too much else!

    And I would also highly recommend reading up about parameterised queries and why they are important to avoid SQL injection attacks here:

    What is SQL injection?