I'm examining CMRecordedAccelerometerData and it has a timestamp, defined as:
The timestamp is the amount of time in seconds since the device booted.
How do I convert timestamp from device last boot to NSDate?
For example, the system provides a CMRecordedAccelerometerData object with a timestamp value of: 1030958.895134
If I use any of the available reference frames (1970, reference date), I will get a wrong date, not in 2019. I want the real date when the event was recorded.
This answer comes a bit late I guess, but, first, you can get the boot time by subtracting the uptime ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
from now, but otherwise from iOS 9+ ProcessInfo.processInfo.systemUptime
has the date property startDate
, which should be what you were after in the first place.