I have the following route setup
val routes = protectedRoute("wallet") { user =>
concat {
path("wallet" / "deposit") {
get {
completeEitherT(walletService.deposit(user._id, "dollars", 50))
path("wallet") {
get {
The completeEitherT
function is as follows
def completeEitherT[T](t: EitherT[Future, DatabaseError, T])(implicit marsh: ToResponseMarshaller[T]): Route = {
onSuccess(t.value) {
case Left(x: DatabaseErrors.NotFound) =>
case Left(error) => complete(StatusCodes.InternalServerError)
case Right(value) => complete(value)
The protectedRoute
Directive is:
def protectedRoute(permissions: String*): Directive1[User] = new Directive1[User] {
override def tapply(f: (Tuple1[User]) => Route): Route = {
headerValueByName("Authorization") { jwt =>
Jwt.decode(jwt, jwtSecret, List(algo)) match {
case Failure(_) =>
logger.error("Unauthorized access from jwtToken:", jwt)
case Success(value) =>
val user = JsonParser(value.content).convertTo[User]
if (user.roles.flatMap(_.permissions).exists(permissions.contains)) f(Tuple1(user))
else complete(StatusCodes.Forbidden)
The issue that I am having is that whichever path is defined first results in a 404 when called via Postman.
The requested resource could not be found.
This is not a response from completeEitherT
as it does not log the error
How do I define two or more paths inside the same directive?
Please mark as duplicate, I could not find this on Google Search but SO showed this as related.
Essentially I am missing a ~
between the paths
val routes = protectedRoute("wallet") { user =>
concat {
path("wallet" / "deposit") {
get {
completeEitherT(walletService.deposit(user._id, "dollars", 50))
} ~
path("wallet") {
get {