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MySQL with special character in the json path

I have a column in mysql which stores a column with json files and the the key of the json can contain any unicode characters. I have a query to calculate the cardinality of the specific key

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT(dimensions, '$.*abc')))from `definition`

the name is *abc which contains a special character * and used in the json path to the value of the json. I can ensure I have the json file with key *abc in the mysql database by running select all.

so how could I query the json path with special characters? from, * should not be escaped.


  • You can use special characters in key names by delimiting them with "":

    mysql> set @j = '{"*abc": 123}';
    mysql> select json_extract(cast(@j as json), '$."*abc"') as special;
    | special |
    | 123     |