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Why is an external template redeclared as a "different kind of entity"?

So I'm trying to share a templated global variable between translational units.

There is a common strategy to do this for functions where you have one header declaring/implementing the template and second C++ file that explicitly enumerates all arguments to actually generate the code for the linker.

The original version looks like

template<typename T>
struct PoolType
    void do_something()


template <class T>  PoolType<T> pool;

int main ()
    pool<float>.do_something();// can make other types 

I'm getting some strange error when extending this approach to templated structures. Does anybody know what the error means and which kind of entity is "declared"?

template<typename T>
struct PoolType
    void do_something()


template <class T>  extern PoolType<int> pool; //Suppoedly can live in another TU
//In some other file
PoolType<int> pool;

// template <class T>  PoolType<int> pool; //works fine but limited to one TU
int main ()


 error: 'PoolType<int> pool' redeclared as different kind of entity


error: redefinition of 'pool' as different kind of symbol

on godbolt


  • You can do one of the two things.

    1. Make pool a normal variable.

      extern PoolType<int> pool;
      // in some other file
      PoolType<int> pool;
      // in main
    2. Make pool a variable template.

      template <class T> extern PoolType<T> pool;
      // in some other file
      template <> PoolType<int> pool<int>;
      // in main