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In WinDbg, how do I set a conditional breakpoint for checking a particular value contained in an address behind a register?

I want to do something like break at Process!Function+0x66 but only if [RDX + 0x01c] == 1. What would the syntax of breakpoint like this be?


  • evaluate with ? Process!Function+0x66

    copy the result for using in breakpoint 0x12345678`90abcdef

    bp 0x12345678`90abcdef ".if ( poi(@rdx+0x1c) != 1) {gc}"

    a sample flow

    0:000> ? msvcrt!memcpy+0x40
    Evaluate expression: 140735863146304 = 00007fff`9f214740
    0:000> u msvcrt!memcpy+0x40 l1
    00007fff`9f214740 8a0411          mov     al,byte ptr [rcx+rdx]
    0:000> bp 00007fff`9f214740 " .if( poi(@rcx+@rdx) != 0x20) {gc}"
    0:000> bl 0 e 00007fff`9f214740 0001 (0001) msvcrt!memcpy+0x40 ".if( poi(@rcx+@rdx) != 0x20) {gc}"
    0:000> g
    Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17763.132 AMD64
    00007fff`9f214740 8a0411          mov     al,byte ptr [rcx+rdx] ds:000001d6`1ebc6ac1=20
    0:000> .lastevent
    Last event: 724.1718: Hit breakpoint 0
      debugger time: Wed Jun 16 00:25:26.965 2021 
    0:000> g
    00007fff`9f214740 8a0411          mov     al,byte ptr [rcx+rdx] ds:000001d6`20407c4a=20
    0:000> .lastevent
    Last event: 724.1718: Hit breakpoint 0
      debugger time: Wed Jun 16 00:25:45.283 2021 