I'm new to Kotlin and i'm playing a bit with android studio from few days. This is the class i'm dealing with:
class MyDialog : DialogFragment() {
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog {
return activity?.let {
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(it)
builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.positive) { _: DialogInterface, _: Int -> }
} ?: throw Exception("problem detected with throw Exception on creating Dialog")
I'm not understanding what is returning
return activity?.let {
val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(it)
builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.positive) { _: DialogInterface, _: Int -> }
} ?: throw Exception("problem detected with throw Exception on creating Dialog")
I know the fun onCreateDialog returns a "Dialog" object because
override fun onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Dialog
is returning a Dialog type (the code works in fact), but i don't understand how the "return" works in that case, am i returning all the brackets content? Thx everyone!
returns the result of last expression inside it, in this case the value of builder.create()
, a non-nullable AlertDialog.
Since you use ?.let
, if activity
is null, let
won't be called, and you will effectively have null ?: throw...
never returns null, so this throw
expression is only reached when activity
is null, so the error message doesn't make sense.