I am using the Naudio lib in my project and I've used it already to combine MP3 files and use them. I combined them using Mp3FileReader(Stream), so it is possible to read from a stream with this object but when I try to change the audio pitch and follow their tutorial this is how it goes:
using (var reader = new MediaFoundationReader(inPath)) //only reads from file
var pitch = new SmbPitchShiftingSampleProvider(reader.ToSampleProvider());
using(var device = new WaveOutEvent())
pitch.PitchFactor = (float)upOneTone; // or downOneTone
// just playing the first 10 seconds of the file
while(device.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)
now my problem is that MediaFoundationReader only reads from file, is there another way to load from a stream and change the pitch/ frequency.
any help will be appreciated.
I hope this code will help you: This function receive a Stream instead a file path.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using NAudio.Wave;
using NAudio.Wave.SampleProviders;
namespace Test
public class HelpOnStackOverFlow
public static void PlayShift(Stream stream)
var fr = new Mp3FileReader(stream);
var pitch = new SmbPitchShiftingSampleProvider(fr.ToSampleProvider());
var rates = new float[] { 1.0594630943593f, 1.12246204830937f, 1.18920711500272f, 1.25992104989487f };
foreach (var rate in rates)
var device = new WaveOutEvent();
pitch.PitchFactor = rate;