Suppose I'm running a program and each day I want to pause the program after X iterations until the start of the next calendar day. The amount of time the program will have to be paused each day will vary because I do not know when X iterations will be completed on a given day.
Question Is there a simple way to pause the program so that it will restart at the start of the next day E.S.T?
I thought of using the sleep() function. The problem is the interval the program would have to pause each day is different so I can't put in an absolute time value. So I thought conceptually it would something like this might work.
while true
# run function until X loops
# sleep(Minute(tomorrow's date - now())
But I'm not sure how I would get the start of tomorrow's date from Julia or if this is the most efficient approach.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You would normally use cron
like @pfitzseb said.
However, the simplest nice Julia code could be:
function once_a_time(f, interval)
repeat = Ref(true)
task = @async begin
sleep(5) # some calculated time to start
while repeat[]
@async f()
return (;task, repeat)
This function will execute f
in given fixed intervals regardless of previous assumptions. This code uses green threads so it assumes that f
execution time is smaller that the value of interval
(or f
is just mostly I/O).
The function returns a handle to the task as well as reference to the repeat
variable so you can stop your scheduler from an outside code.
Let us now test it:
julia> task, rep = once_a_time(()->println("hello ",round(Int,time()) % 1000), 5)
(task = Task (runnable) @0x000000001b69b850, repeat = Base.RefValue{Bool}(true))
julia> hello 347
hello 352
hello 357
hello 362
julia> rep[]=false