I am using python + flask + SQS and I'm also using celery beat to execute some scheduled tasks.
Recently I went from having one single default "celery" queue to execute all my tasks to having dedicated queues/workers for each task. This includes tasks scheduled by celery beat which now all go to a queue named "scheduler".
Before dropping the "celery" queue, I monitored it to see if any tasks would wind up in that queue. To my surprise, they did.
Since I had no worker consuming from that queue, I could easily inspect the messages which piled up using the AWS console. What is saw was that all tasks were celery.backend_cleanup!!!
I cannot find out from the celery docs how do I prevent this celery.backend_cleanup from getting tossed into this default "celery" queue which I want to get rid of! And the docs on beat do not show an option to pass a queue name. So how do I do this?
This is how I am starting celery beat:
/venv/bin/celery -A backend.app.celery beat -l info --pidfile=
And this is how I am starting the worker
/venv/bin/celery -A backend.app.celery worker -l info -c 2 -Ofair -Q scheduler
Keep in mind, I don't want to stop backend_cleanup from executing, I just want it to go in whatever queue I specify.
Thanks ahead for the assistance!
You can override this in the beat task setup. You could also change the scheduled time to run here if you wanted to.
app.conf.beat_schedule = {
'backend_cleanup': {
'task': 'celery.backend_cleanup',
'options': {'queue': <name>,
'exchange': <name>,
'routing_key': <name>}