How to Update value of different record from SUBFILE into Physical file?
The screen are as shown in picture below:
The value I want to update is for USD from 4.12 to 4.13.
This is my physical file :
After I press enter, the value will just updated on the screen only, but when I runqry to check at physical file, there are no any changes happen. What should I do? Please help me. Thanks in advance :)
My concern : Now, it updated, but it just update the next value or the latest value for latest date. what I mean is, I try to edit value for USD on 31 May, but when I press enter and refresh the screen, I don't know why the USD value for 1 June is the one that change. And, I also try to update the other value at the same time, but only USD is the one that updated. What should I do then?
There is only one update for multiple records Try something like this
MoveL(P) 'UPDATE' Mode
*******Exgdat Chain Curexg 9091
******* If *In91 = *On
******* Leavesr
******* Endif
******* If *In90 = *Off
******* Movel(p) Date Date2
******* Movel(p) USD USD2
******* Movel(p) GBP GBP2
******* Movel(p) EUR EUR2
******* Movel(p) AUD AUD2
******* Movel(p) SGD SGD2
// make a generic 10 alpha field to control your loop
movel *blank @@Change 10A
*like Define Date2 @@DispDate
@@change = 'First';
dow @@change <> *blank; //loop to check for date change
clear @@change;
@@DispDate = Date2; // what is the date used to display
@@gcod = 'USD'
exsr $ForDisplay;
USD2 = @@grat;
@@gcod = 'GBP'
exsr $ForDisplay;
GBP2 = @@grat;
@@gcod = 'EUR'
exsr $ForDisplay;
EUR2 = @@grat;
@@gcod = 'AUD'
exsr $ForDisplay;
AUD2 = @@grat;
@@gcod = 'SGD'
exsr $ForDisplay;
SGD2 = @@grat;
Seton 02
N12 Exfmt Screen
if Date2 <> @@DispDate; //the user changed the date!
@@change = 'Change';
******* User's answers
Movel(p) Date2 Date
Movel(p) USD2 USD
@@gcod = 'USD';
@@grat = usd;
exsr $UpdateRec;
Movel(p) GBP2 GBP
@@gcod = 'GBP';
@@grat = gbp;
exsr $UpdateRec;
Movel(p) EUR2 EUR
@@gcod = 'EUR';
@@grat = eur;
exsr $UpdateRec;
Movel(p) AUD2 AUD
@@gcod = 'AUD';
@@grat = aud;
exsr $UpdateRec;
Movel(p) SGD2 SGD
@@gcod = 'SGD';
@@grat = sgd;
exsr $UpdateRec;
******* select
******* exgcod wheneq 'USD'
******* move usd exgrat
******* exgcod wheneq 'GBP'
******* move gbp exgrat
******* exgcod wheneq 'EUR'
******* move eur exgrat
******* exgcod wheneq 'AUD'
******* move aud exgrat
******* exgcod wheneq 'SGD'
******* move sgd exgrat
******* endsl
*******N12 Update Currec
eval MSG ='Record updated'
******* Endif
Setoff 91
Begsr $ForDisplay;
*** Using CHAIN(N) to avoid locking the file, this is to load the screen
** Assumption that the fspec for Curexg has a key list of exgdat, exgcod
** if it does not exist, you will need to create a logical that has one
*like Define exgcod @@gcod
*like Define exgrat @@grat
clear @@grat;
chain(n) ( Date : @@gcod ) Curexg;
if %found(Curexg);
@@grat = exgrat;
Begsr $UpdatRec;
if *in12 = *off; //allowed to update?
chain ( Date : @@gcod ) Curexg;
exgrat = @@grat;
if %found(Curexg); //exists, update it
update Currec;
else; //record doesn't exist yet, possibly new currency, new rec
Exgdat = Date;
Exgcod = @@gcod;
write Currec;