I have an included JScript (Server side) that I need to pass some variables to from VBScript, but my effort using the traditional methods in ASP Classic has not worked for me, I have even tried to send a querystring with the javascript include..
My VBScript Page:
Dim Tomorrow, TomorrowDay, TomorrowMonth, TomorrowYear, NewTomorrow, Today, TodayMonth, TodayYear, JSONConvertAPIStatsURL
Tomorrow = DateAdd("d",1,now())
TomorrowDay = Right("0" & Day(Tomorrow), 2)
TomorrowMonth = Right("0" & Month(Tomorrow), 2)
TomorrowYear = year(Tomorrow)
NewTomorrow = TomorrowYear & "-" & TomorrowMonth & "-" & TomorrowDay
Today = now()
TodayMonth = Right("0" & Month(Today), 2)
TodayYear = year(Today)
<script language="JavaScript" runat="Server" src="retrieve_convertapi_stats.asp"></script>
Dim UpdateConvertAPIJSONData
Set UpdateConvertAPIJSONData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataSQL, UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataObj
UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataSQL = "UPDATE EFP_JSON SET CONVERTAPI_STATS = '" & objSrvHTTP.responseText & "' WHERE ID = 1;"
Response.Write UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataSQL
Set UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataObj = UpdateConvertAPIJSONData.Execute(UpdateConvertAPIJSONDataSQL)
Set UpdateConvertAPIJSONData = Nothing
Response.Write now()
My JScript (retrieve_convertapi_stats.asp)
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"
Response.Expires = -1
Response.CodePage = 65001
Response.CharSet = "UTF-8"
var objSrvHTTP;
objSrvHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0");
objSrvHTTP.open ("GET","https://api.theurl.com/user/statistic?secret=<MY_API_KEY>&startDate=<%=TodayYear%>-<%=TodayMonth%>-01&endDate=<%=NewTomorrow%>", false);
objSrvHTTP.send ();
Response.ContentType = "application/json";
How can I achive this?
You can't pass variables to the JScript, only variables created in the JScript can be accessed in the VBscript (for whatever reason this is how it is).
I recommend you create the entire process in VBScript as the functions in JScript can be done in VBScript and you won't have any problems.
Dim Tomorrow, TomorrowDay, TomorrowMonth, TomorrowYear, NewTomorrow, Today, TodayMonth, TodayYear, JSONConvertAPIStatsURL
Tomorrow = DateAdd("d",1,now())
TomorrowDay = Right("0" & Day(Tomorrow), 2)
TomorrowMonth = Right("0" & Month(Tomorrow), 2)
TomorrowYear = year(Tomorrow)
NewTomorrow = TomorrowYear & "-" & TomorrowMonth & "-" & TomorrowDay
Today = now()
TodayMonth = Right("0" & Month(Today), 2)
TodayYear = year(Today)
Dim xml, url
Set xml = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
url = "https://api.theurl.com/user/statistic?secret=<MY_API_KEY>&startDate=" & TodayYear & "-" & TodayMonth & "-01&endDate=" & NewTomorrow
xml.open "GET", url, false
xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
status = trim(xml.status) ' server status
returnresponse = xml.responseText ' entire body