Search code examples

Mongodb: Populate based on condition

I have some collections and I am trying to transform a log object into its details (using populate).

Companies (company with its users):

        _id: "comp123",
        companyId: "compName123",
        users: [
            { user: "user111", status: "active"},
            { user: "user222", status: "active"},
        _id: "comp456",
        name: "compName456",
        users: [
            { user: "user333", status: "active"}
        _id: "comp789",
        name: "compName789",
        users: [
            { user: "user444", status: "inactive"}


    {_id: "user111", firstName: "userName111"},
    {_id: "user222", firstName: "userName222"},
    {_id: "user333", firstName: "userName333"},
    {_id: "user444", firstName: "userName444"},

I am trying to transform log collection into data.


For the first object of the log:

   companyId: "comp123",
   actionDetails: [
      entities: [
         { id: "user111", entityType: "User"}

I want it to return:

    companyId: {_id: "comp123", name: "compName123"}, // taken from companies
    userId: { _id: "user111", firstName: "userName111"}, // taken from users
    // Does company=comp123 that has a user with user=user111 and status=active exist?
    isUserActiveInCompany: true

Another example of log:

    companyId: "comp456",
    actionDetails: [
        entities: [
            { id: "user444", entityType: "User"}

Output is:

    companyId: {_id: "comp456", name: "compName456"}, // taken from companies
    userId: { _id: "user444", firstName: "userName444"}, // taken from users
    isUserActiveInCompany: false // Does company=comp456 that has a user with user=user444 and status=active exist?

last important example of log:

    companyId: "comp789",
    actionDetails: [
        entities: [
            { id: "attr333", entityType: "Attribute"}


    companyId: {_id: "comp789", name: "compName789"}, // taken from companies
    userId: {}, // taken from users (entityType is Attribute so we ignore it)
    isUserActiveInCompany: null // entityType is Attribute so we ignore it

If there will be a log of comp789 with user444, isUserActiveInCompany should be false (cause the user is inactive in his company).

Currently, I do:

        path: "",
        select: "id firstName",
        path: "companyId",
        select: "name",

Any help appreciated!


  • Convert the below Aggregation Pipeline code to Mongoose Equivalent to get the output you desire.

        '$match': {
          // <-- I highly recommend that you use a `$match` condition since there are 2 lookup operators in the aggregation which will significantly increase execution time.
          '$lookup': {
          'from': 'Companies',
          'let': {'cId': '$companyId'},
          'pipeline': [
              '$match': {
                '$expr': {
                  '$eq': ['$_id', '$$cId']
              "$project": {
                'company': {
                  "_id": "$_id",
                  "companyName": "$companyId"
                'users': {
                  "$filter": {
                    'input': "$users",
                    'as': "usr",
                    'cond': {
                      "$eq": ["$$usr.status", "active"],
          'as': 'companyDetails'
        '$unwind': {
          'path': "$actionDetails",
        '$unwind': {
        'path': "$actionDetails.entities",
        '$lookup': {
          'from': 'Users',
          'let': {"uId": "$"},
          'pipeline': [
              "$match": {
                "$expr": {
                  "$eq": ["$_id", "$$uId"],
              "$project": {
                "firstName": 1,
          'as': "userDetails",
        '$project': {
          "companyId": {"$arrayElemAt": ["$", 0]},
          "userId": {
            "_id": "$",
            "firstName": {"$arrayElemAt": ["$userDetails.firstName", 0]},
          "isUserActiveInCompany": {
            "$switch": {
              "branches": [
                  'case': {
                    "$ne": ["$actionDetails.entities.entityType", "User"]
                  'then': null,
                  'case': {
                    "$in": [
                        "$map": {
                          'input': {"$arrayElemAt": ["$companyDetails.users", 0]},
                          'as': "elem",
                          'in': "$$elem.user"
                  'then': true,
              'default': false,
    ], {
      'allowDiskUse': true,

    Let me know if you want a complete explanation and logic of each stage.