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IBM Cloud Functions: How to create secured web action using Terraform

I am able to create a new IBM Cloud Functions action using the Terraform provider.

resource "ibm_function_action" "sendEmail" {
  name      = "${}/sendEmail"
  namespace =

  exec {
    kind = "nodejs:12"
    code = file("smtp_email.js")
  publish = true
  user_defined_parameters = var.server_config

How can I turn the above action into a web action? How can I specify the configuration for its password protection?


  • This can be achieved using the annotations argument. It holds key / value pairs of these documented action annotations.

    resource "ibm_function_action" "sendEmail" {
      name      = "${}/sendEmail"
      namespace =
      exec {
        kind = "nodejs:12"
        code = file("smtp_email.js")
      publish = true
      user_defined_parameters = var.server_config
      user_defined_annotations =  <<EOF
            "key": "web-export",
            "value": true
            "key": "require-whisk-auth",
            "value": "your-web-secret"

    The above web-export turns the action into a web action, require-whisk-auth enables authentication for security and its value sets the password. I have turned it into a working sample.