Can anyone explain to me why this code:
int? a = 54;
decimal b = a ?? 0 / 100m;
has the value of 54 ?
But if I add some brackets:
int? a = 54;
decimal b = (a ?? 0) / 100m;
It has the value of 0.54
I don't understand why this is the case. Because a
has the value of 54 I would have thought the ??
operator would do nothing.
The null-coalescing operator ?? returns the value of its left-hand operand if it isn't null; otherwise, it evaluates the right-hand operand and returns its result. The ?? operator doesn't evaluate its right-hand operand if the left-hand operand evaluates to non-null.
In your first case,
int? a = 54; //Here "a" is not null
decimal b = a ?? 0 / 100m; //As "a" is not null, Value of "a" will be assigned to "b".
In your second case ,
// precedence of "(<expression>)" is greater than "null coalescing operator"
int b = (a ?? 0) / 100m;
//+++++++ --This will evaulate first and returns 54
// +++ -- This will be calculated as 54 / 100m i.e 0.54