So I have this site that dynamically posts content using jquery and php. I would like to know how to generate permalinks. I think I could do it, but I dont even know what I should be searching for on google. You can see the site at
For example, I would like a link like to that would go directly to the video review, instead of having to to search for it and then click the link.
I will describe the how the site works on a basic level:
first the user selects the "All Restaurants tab" in the content slider, then jquery slides to the third frame.
Next, a user selects a link from a list. This list is generated by sql queries in php, while javascript pushes the result of the php to a specific div.
When a user selects a link, jquery slides to the second slide. Once again, php runs a query while javascript pushes the content to a specific div. As a result, the user never leaves the index page.
I think it depends on how your website works. The ideal thing that I have in my mind at the moment is:
Normally the permalink is the numerical id referred to that entry (thinking about databases in this case)
Edit 1: If what you mean is "moving the webpage to the link" (and not creating it), maybe you should ignore my answer, I didn't understand the question so. What suggested Tadeck, if this is the case, is good
Edit 2: What about if, following the keylines I given you to create a permalink, you pass this value to the homepage and on page load you fire the event through the click() function (so it's like if the user clicks on the link, fires everything that you need, even the scroller thing) Obviusly you need to give an ID to each tag, but I don't think it's a big problem (just use directly your "permalink value" as an id
The alternative in using click() method, is: give to the slider function a name so you can call it instead of waiting the click event only, expecially this part
$('.cross-link').live("click", function(){
You'll have to replace function() with a named function
then you will call, on page load, that function + ajaxpage('result.php?id=9', 'results2') + ajaxpage('videoloader.php?id=9') completely emulating the click event in this case.
You still need however an id in the a tag to find out which is the link