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Is it possible to do the code review if we select TFVC version control while creating the project in Azure DevOps Services?

Is it possible to do the code review if we select TFVC version control while creating the project ? I want the code review should be mandatory if my project is using TFVC.

For Git I know its possible. But unable to find it for the TFVC ? Does azure provide this option. or we have to use any third party tool ?


  • Short answer: No.

    Longer answer: TFVC's code review capabilities are very limited and generally have never worked particularly well. Although the feature has a lot of room for improvement, Git has become the de facto version control system throughout the industry, and TFVC is no longer an area of focus for Microsoft (and hasn't been for at least 4 or 5 years).

    If you want full-featured, well-supported code review workflows, your best bet is to migrate from TFVC to Git.

    I'd be hard pressed to think of a good reason to start a new project using TFVC in 2021.

    Official confirmation from Microsoft regarding the state of TFVC:

    TFVC is considered feature complete. Azure DevOps will maintain compatibility with TFVC, but Git will receive all future investment.
