Is there an elegant way in C++ 11 to get the item from a std::vector
of double
s which is closest to a certain value?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
double GetClosest(const std::vector<double>& vec, double value) {
// How to get the item closest to "value" from the items in vec. Vec is assumed to be sorted.
int main() {
std::vector<double> my_doubles_vec;
std::cout << GetClosest(my_doubles_vec, 101480.76915103201) << std::endl; // Should output "101480.76915103197"
std::cout << GetClosest(my_doubles_vec, 101480.93293086279) << std::endl; // Should output "101480.93293087184"
std::cout << GetClosest(my_doubles_vec, 101481.5625) << std::endl; // Should output "101481.5625"
return 0;
Since its a std::vector
of double
s, I think precision comes into play? Or can the logic be made in such a way that one doesn't need to bother about precision?
You could use std::partition_point
, std::lower_bound
or std::upper_bound
on the sorted range.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
double GetClosest(const std::vector<double>& vec, double value) {
if(vec.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("no elements");
// partition_point is the most generic of the three:
auto it = std::partition_point(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [value](double v) {
return v < value;
// or auto it = std::lower_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
// or auto it = std::upper_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), value);
if(it == vec.end()) --it; // value larger than the largest in the vector
else if( it != vec.begin()) { // value not less than first
// check which one of the two around the partition point that is closest
if(std::abs(*std::prev(it) - value) < std::abs(*it - value)) --it;
return *it;