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Is an iframe still a good idea?

I have the requirement to be able to present a document on a website, in the browser. (not download it) and well the way I know to tackle this (without paying to third parties software) is an iframe, but that sounds like a really old practice.

I'm currently developing an application on Blazor and .net5 and sounds really wrong to put an iframe in there, can you guys provide me input for better practices or just your thoughts?


I'm trying to use them to present doc, docx, pdf and pngs in a Blazor application with .net5.


  • Honestly, after days of research, I'm trying to talk the team into the idea of creating an API dedicated to Docs, and as part of that effort would migrate documents to AWS S3 or azure blob storage. We will introduce Aspose for rendering and separate the Issue.

    Why? because all the solutions I have seen to support doc and Docx in .net5 are really hacky and I can see lacks in terms of security. And I would not recommend anyone to try to do the approach I was looking to do at the begging of this question.

    I leave here what experience cause this research was pain and I hope this question can still help someone.