I deployed my Nest.js application on my VPS (Ubuntu 20.04 DO) using pm2 as process manager. Here is my step by step when I'm updating the app.
$ pm2 stop 1
$ kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:4040)
$ npm run build
$ pm2 start 1
Notice that I must kill the port that the app use before I proceed to the build one, how to simplify it and become like these :
$ npm run build
$ pm2 reload 1
So I can deploy my Nest.js app gracefully and achieve at least only 1% downtime
Stop command keeps the app in the apps list while the delete command not.
I think you want something like
source .env
npm run build || exit
pm2 delete "$ENVIRONMENT"
pm2 start "npm run start:prod" --name "$ENVIRONMENT" --log-date-format 'DD-MM HH:mm:ss.SSS'
If you are not using different environments, an equivalent script would be
npm run build || exit
pm2 delete my_application
pm2 start "npm run start:prod" --name my_application --log-date-format 'DD-MM HH:mm:ss.SSS'
Emitting the --log-date-format
is perfectly fine. However, I have included it because I suspect it might become helpful when finding bugs in production down the line.