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Pandas str split. Can I skip line which gives troubles?

I have a dataframe (all5) including one column with dates('CREATIE_DATUM'). Sometimes the notation is 01/JAN/2015 sometimes it's written as 01-JAN-15. I only need the year, so I wrote the following code line:


but I get the following error:

columns must be same length as key

so I assume somewhere in my dataframe (>100.000 lines) a value has more than two '/' signs. How can I make my code skip this line?


  • You can try to use pd.to_datetime and then use .dt property to access day, month and year:

    x = pd.to_datetime(all5["CREATIE_DATUM"])
    all5["Day"] =
    all5["Month"] = x.dt.month
    all5["Year"] = x.dt.year