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change content between tags HTML

I have an xml file as follows


<custom_list max_entry_num="50">

<custom_list max_entry_num="50">

<rule> !!!!!! </rule>


I want to change the content between the tags, for this I use the following command:

xmlstartlet ed -u "/firewall/custom_list/rule' -v "My First Text" old.xml >new.xml

but this text is in the two tags, When id =1 and id = 2.

<custom_list max_entry_num="50">
<rule>MY FIRST TEXT</rule>
<custom_list max_entry_num="50">
<rule>MY FIRST TEXT</rule>

I want to:

  • When id equals 1 I put "MY FIRST TEXT"
  • when id equals 2 I put "MY SECOND TEXT"

How can I do this in bash?


  • xmlstarlet ed -u "/firewall/custom_list/rule[../id = '1']" -v "My First Text" -u "/firewall/custom_list/rule[../id = '2']" -v "My second Text" old.xml > new.xml