I'm building a new grid but i need a select field that options appear depending on the choice of the first field.
I have two cellEditors
columnDefs = [
{ field: 'typePizza', editable:true, cellEditor:'pizza'},
{ field: 'toppings', editable: true, cellEditor: 'gridSelect' }
The 'pizza' one is a select that i choose a type of pizza, the gridSelect have a multiple select that i can choose one or more ingredients but I need to show the options that are affected by the type of pizza.
I have this toppingList on gridSelectComponent: toppingList: string[] = ['Extra cheese', 'Mushroom', 'Onion', 'Pepperoni', 'Sausage', 'Tomato'];
And PizzaList on PizzaComponent pizzaList: string[] = ['Pizza A','Pizza B', 'Pizza C'];
For example, if i choose Pizza A i want that on that row only appear the options 'Extra Cheese, Onion' options.
If i choose Pizza B only appear the options 'Mushroom, Tomato'
How can i do this?
Thank you
On your mat-select
, upon the event of the dropdown being expanded, call a method in your class:
In this method, see what the value of the typePizza
field is and set your dropdown list appropriately:
matOpenedChanged(event) {
const currentPizzaType = this.params.data.typePizza;
if (currentPizzaType == 'Pizza A') {
this.toppingList = ['Extra cheese', 'Onion'];
} else if (currentPizzaType == 'Pizza B') {
this.toppingList = ['Mushroom', 'Tomato'];
} else {
this.toppingList = [
'Extra cheese',