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Hy equivalent to * operator in Python's function arguments that forces keyword arguments

Recently I have been trying to write a simple bot in Hy with In we can write a command like this to turn the last argument into a full string that includes spaces:

@commands.command(description="", help="")
async def say(self, ctx, level, *, remains):

But if I write this in Hy as:

#@((commands.command :description "" :help "")
        (defn/a say [self ctx level * remains]

It will complain about missing required argument "text." What's even weirder is that the sample code in the defn part on Hy's official website:

(defn compare [a b * keyfn [reverse False]]
  (setv result (keyfn a b))
  (if (not reverse)
    (- result)))

doesn't even work under hy --spy. Did I use it wrong or there's a correct way to handle this?


  • (defn compare…) works for me. Sounds like the version of Hy you're running doesn't match the version of the documentation you're reading.