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How to get object name as a string using tidyevaluate?

I need to pass column names to the plotting function. The problem is that my column names are in the arguments and I don't know how to extract those as text.

Here is code that works, but I need to get the strings dynamically from the arguments.

create_plot <- function(df, group, subgroup, y){
  var_group <- enquo(group)
  var_subgroup <- enquo(subgroup)
  var_y <- enquo(y)
  df %>% 
    select(!!var_group, !!var_subgroup, !!var_y) %>% 
    mutate(!!var_group := as.factor(!!var_group),
           !!var_subgroup := as.factor(!!var_subgroup)) %>% 
    ggsummarystats(., x = "COUNTRY", y="VALUE", # Need to get these from the arguments
                   palette = custom_pal,
                   ggfunc = ggboxplot,
                   color = "YEAR",  #Same here
                   fill = "YEAR",  #And here
                   summaries = c("n", "mean"))

create_plot(sales, YEAR, COUNTRY, VALUE)

Example using mtcars:

create_plot <- function(df, group, subgroup, y){
    var_group <- enquo(group)
    var_subgroup <- enquo(subgroup)
    var_y <- enquo(y)
    df %>% 
      select(!!var_group, !!var_subgroup, !!var_y) %>% 
      mutate(!!var_group := as.factor(!!var_group),
             !!var_subgroup := as.factor(!!var_subgroup)) %>% 
      ggsummarystats(., x = "carb", y="mpg",
                     palette = custom_pal,
                     ggfunc = ggboxplot,
                     fill = "gear",
                     color = "gear",
                     summaries = c("n", "mean"))

create_plot(mtcars, gear, carb, mpg)


  • You can use rlang::as_name() for that:

    create_plot <- function(df, group, subgroup, y){
      var_group <- enquo(group)
      var_subgroup <- enquo(subgroup)
      var_y <- enquo(y)
      df %>% 
        select(!!var_group, !!var_subgroup, !!var_y) %>%
          !!var_group := as.factor(!!var_group),
          !!var_subgroup := as.factor(!!var_subgroup)
        ) %>%
          x = as_name(var_group), 
          y = as_name(var_y),
          fill = as_name(var_subgroup),
          ggfunc = ggboxplot, 
          summaries = c("n", "mean"))
    create_plot(mtcars, gear, carb, mpg)

    Created on 2021-06-14 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)