I am trying to install Jfrog's Artifactory server. I have created different Gradle repositories, but I cannot see any of them in the admin panel (Administration->Repositories->Repositories). When I browse to Application->Artifactory->Artifacts I can see all my created repos. But from this view I cannot manage this repositories. I tried the same with Maven repositories and I could see them in the admin panel view.
Is Gradle repositories a Pro feature or am I missing something?
Some info about my test environment:
OS: Windows 10
Artifactory: Open source license 7.18.7 rev 71807900 undefined
I found similar question here, but unfortunately it is unanswered: Jfrog artifactory OSS does not show Ivy or Gradle repository in artifactory admin page?
Had same issues.
Finally found them under:
Administration > Repositories > Layouts > Select appropriate layout (my repo package type is Gradle so I choose maven2-default) > scroll to bottom and you will see "Repository Associations" with a list of all repositoires you created.
Now click on a repo you want to manage.