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Logstash grok pattern to extract a part of String starts with and ends with

I am trying to extract the application Id.

As an example i need to extract


from the following log line

 /yarn/container-logs/application_1621858977521_0074/container_1621858977521_0074_01_000004 [2021-06-08 05:40:06,231] INFO Changing view acls groups to:  (org.apache.spark.SecurityManager)

I have tried the following custom grok pattern but doesn't work.


I Appreciate your suggestions and help


  • You can use


    Quick alternatives are:


    See the regex demo.

    The pattern (with / added as path separators):

    • / - a / char
    • (?<applicationId>application(?:_[0-9]+)+) - Group "applicationId": application and then one or more repetitions of _ and one or more digits
    • / - a / char
    • [^/]* - zero or more chars other than /.

    The Grok debugger shows the following output with your given string:

      "applicationId": [