Let's consider a list:
List<String> recipeNamesList = [
'French Fries',
'Bengali Lamb Curry',
'Chingri Malai Curry',
If the user searches Bengali Lamb Fries
I need to return Bengali lamb curry
and French Fries
Benagli Lamb Curry
will have the highest rank since it has 2 words matching and French Fries
has only one word that matches.
So the returned list will be something like this:
List<String> result = [
'Bengali Lamb Curry',
'French Fries'
My current code:
Future<List<String>> getSuggestions(String search) async {
List<String> results = [];
List<String> searchSplit =
search.toLowerCase().split(" "); // split the search query
for (int i = 0; i < searchSplit.length; i++) {
// iterate over search query
for (int j = 0; j < recipeNamesList.length; j++) {
// iterate over the recipe names list
List<String> recipeNamesListSplit =
recipeNamesList[j].split(" "); // split the recipe names
for (int k = 0; k < recipeNamesListSplit.length; k++) {
// iterate over the list of splitted name
if (recipeNamesListSplit[k]
.startsWith(searchSplit[i])) {
// convert to lower case and check if the query is present in splitted name
.add(recipeNamesList[j]); // if contains == true add to results
// Avoid repeated values
results = results.toSet().toList();
return results;
It's a completely ad-hoc that only matches if the query word is present in the recipeNamesList
. And if so adds them to the results
list. It does not rank which recipe has the most matched words from the search query.
How am I supposed to rank? Is it possible with my current code with modifications? Or do I need to completely change my code?
You need to modify your method as
Future<List<String>> getSuggestions(String search) async {
List<String> result = [];
int value = getMatching(search,word);
if(value > 0){
if(getMatching(search,result[0]) > value){
//only insert the maximum matched value at starting. it is some type of sorting
A basic function to count the exact matched words
int getMatching(String input, String word){
List<String> inn = input.split(' ');
List<String> words = word.split(' ');
int temp = 0;
return temp;
Output with the input getSuggestions('Bengali Lamb Fries')