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How to use a call multiple varibles in a sinlge if statement?

I have multiple variables like so

var a0001 = document.getElementById("a0001");
var a0002 = document.getElementById("a0002");
var a0003 = document.getElementById("a0003");

that I use for

a0001.blur= function() {
  localStorage.setItem("a0001", a0001.innerHTML);
a0002.blur = function() {
  localStorage.setItem("a0002", a0002.innerHTML);
a0003.blur = function() {
  localStorage.setItem("a0003", a0003.innerHTML);

My question is I will be working with 100's of variables and I cant figure out how to place a "loop place holder" to process the variables like such (*** represent the place holder that will cycle throw the variables and parse them out)

***.blur= function() {
  localStorage.setItem("***", ***.innerHTML);

I am obviously new and this is a single page localstorage project and not sure if I just am not using the right keywords to find the documentation I am looking for or ? so any help will be appreciated.

edit; markup added below

      <th id="a0001" contenteditable='true' spellcheck="false">ID
      </th><th id="a0002" contenteditable='true' spellcheck="false">First Name
      </th><th id="a0003" contenteditable='true' spellcheck="false">Last Name


  • The used markup is not entirely clear, but I'm assuming you have a form with some input elements (because blur fires only on form controls and window objets by default).

    Despite of the real HTML, you're making a lot of unnecessary work. You've a ton of elements, which you need to handle as a group of elements, not one by one. Using id to identify a group is error prone and also very hard to maintain, and on the top of that, a global variable of each id is created, which floods yet the strongly crowded object with unneeded variables. Also, hundreds of event listeners are not needed, you can use a single listener, which can handle all the elements. Here's a simple code showing how to handle a group of elements:

    const form = document.querySelector('#list'),
      storingList = new Map(),
      inputs = form.querySelectorAll('.to-storage');
    inputs.forEach((input, idx) => {
      const itemName = 'a' + (idx.toString()).padStart(4, '0');
      storingList.set(input, itemName);
    form.addEventListener('focusout', e => {
      if ( !== 'to-storage') {return;} // Quit, not a target element blurred
      const itemName = storingList.get(,
        value =;
      console.log(itemName, value);
      // localStorage.setItem(itemName, value); // Commented out to not populate localStorage of SO visitors
    <form id="list">
      Item 1 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 2 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 3 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 4 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 5 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 6 <input class="to-storage"><br>
      Item 7 <input>

    In the snippet, all the inputs which of values are stored in localStorage, are grouped with a class named to-storage. The grouped inputs and the identifiers are collected to a Map object, hence they're easy to identify in an event handler (Map object can take an element as a key). Notice the dynamic item name creation, which takes care of the running index automatically.

    The focusout event listener is delegated (blur doesn't bubble and can't be delegated in a simple way) to the form, which contains all the input elements. This way you can edit and update the HTML of the page, no matter how many inputs needs to be removed or added, you don't have to make any changes to the JavaScript which stores the values.

    If your markup is different and you can't apply the snippet, please add an example of your markup to the question.