I'm trying to create a function that prints a plot when user inputs data and variables what to plot. My current problem is that group/subgroup columns may be numeric so I need to mutate them into factors before plotting. I'm trying to do it with this:
create_plot <- function(df, group, subgroup, y){
df %>%
select({{group}}, {{subgroup}}, {{y}}) %>%
mutate({{group}} = as.factor({{group}})) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_boxplot(aes(x={{subgroup}}, y={{y}}, color={{group}}))
create_plot(sales, YEAR, COUNTRY, VALUE)
But it gives an error:
Error: unexpected '=' in:
" select({{group}}, {{subgroup}}, {{y}}) %>%
mutate({{group}} ="
Which leads me to believe mutate shouldn't be used with {{variables}}. How to do this correctly?
Use {{col}} :=
on left hand side in mutate
create_plot <- function(df, group, subgroup, y){
df %>%
select({{group}}, {{subgroup}}, {{y}}) %>%
mutate({{group}} := as.factor({{group}})) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_boxplot(aes(x={{subgroup}}, y={{y}}, color={{group}}))