I am using Flask-SocketIO(version: 5.0.1) in the backend and in the front end using socket.io (version 4.0.1). Backend code:
def socket_connect():
print(f"connected***** {request.args}")
emit('my-response', {'data': 'Connected flask backend'}, room=f"room{request.sid}")
Here the print statement worked but emit is not working. After few seconds I get this error
bidict.ValueDuplicationError: ODpLc2T7oBppyH-VAAAX
Front end Js code:
socket.on("connect", function() {
console.log("connn ");
when I checked the console the socket status looks like this:
connected: false
disconnected: true
In the Flask command if I removed the emit statement then in the console the socket connection status becomes like this:
connected: true
disconnected: false
Flask (Sever Side):
from flask import Flask
from flask import request
from flask_socketio import send, SocketIO, emit, join_room
app = Flask(__name__)
socketio = SocketIO(app, cors_allowed_origins="*")
def socket_connect():
print(f"connected***** {request.args}")
emit('my-response', {'data': 'Connected from flask'}, room=f"room{request.sid}")
def joined(data):
print(f"***on_join*** {data}")
send(f"{request.sid} has entered the room.", room=data['room'])
def client_event_response_trigger(json):
socketio.emit("my-response", json)
def socket_disconnect():
print(f"Disconnected: {request.args}")
var socket = io.connect("http://localhost:5000/", {query: "if needed then add the querystring"})
socket.on("connect", function() {
socket.emit("join", {room: "room"+socket.id, sid: socket.id})
socket.emit("my-event", {"test": "tesing"})
socket.on('my-response', function(msg) {
console.log("received: ", msg)
socket.emit("my-event", {"test": "Demo"})