I want to know how can I pass a function in grandparent component to grandchild components.
I have a function in Grandparent component which gets id
and slice()
But id comes from a grandchild.
order is like this.
<Manager />
<RecordList />
<RecordItem />
when button clicked in , it should give id to the function which comes from
How can I do that without Context API
and using pass props down to child
could you please make an example ? Thank you all
You can use Context API
in React and can pass any data to any child nester under a particular component.
EDIT Since you mentioned that you don't want to use Context API. For something like this, where the child is only one component deep, you can probably pass some props through the middle child. I will give you some rough ideas as it's impossible to write the entire since you wrote no code in the example.
const childBtnClick = (params) => {
// do you stuff here
<RecordList childBtnClick={childBtnClick}></RecordList>
<RecordItem childBtnClick={props.childBtnClick}></RecordItem>
<Button onClick={() => props.childBtnClick('passwhat data you want here')}></Button>