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Recursive Web Scraping Pagination

I'm trying to scrape some real estate articles from the following website:


I manage to get the links I need,but I am struggling with pagination on the web page.I'm trying to scrape every link under each category 'building relationships', 'building your team', 'capital rising' etc.Some of these categories pages have pagination and some of them do not contain pagination.I tried with the following code but it just gives me the links from 2 page.

from requests_html import HTMLSession

def tag_words_links(url):
    global _session
    _request = _session.get(url)
    tags = _request.html.find('a.tag-cloud-link')
    links = []
    for link in tags:
             'Tags': link.find('a', first=True).text,
             'Links': link.find('a', first=True).attrs['href']

    return links

def parse_tag_links(link):
    global _session
    _request = _session.get(link)
    articles = []
       next_page = _request.html.find('link[rel="next"]', first=True).attrs['href']
       _request = _session.get(next_page)
       article_links = _request.html.find('h3 a')
       for article in article_links:
           articles.append(article.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'])

        _request = _session.get(link)
        article_links = _request.html.find('h3 a')
        for article in article_links:
            articles.append(article.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'])

   return articles

if __name__ == '__main__':
   _session = HTMLSession()
   url = ''
   links = tag_words_links(url)


  • To print title of every article under each tag and each page under the tag you can use this example:

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    url = ""
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
    tag_links = [a["href"] for a in".tagcloud a")]
    for link in tag_links:
        while True:
            print("-" * 80)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(link).content, "html.parser")
            for title in"h3 a"):
            next_link = soup.select_one("")
            if not next_link:
            link = next_link["href"]


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