I'm trying to fetch data from my Strapi GraphQl api and paginate them. For that I need to pass down variables. I'm using react-query and fetch api.
Here I declare my variables and query.
const endpoint = "http://localhost:1337/graphql"
let limit: number = 10;
let start: number = 0;
export const QUERY = `
query fetchProducts ($limit: Int!, $start: Int!) {
products(limit: $limit, start: $start) {
image {
Here is my fetching function
async function fetchData(endpoint: string, query: string, limit: number, start: number) {
const res = await fetch(endpoint, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ query: query }),
const json = await res.json();
const {
data: { products },
} = json;
start += 10; //when refetching, it fetches another 10
return products;
And here is useQuery hook from react-query
const { data, status, refetch } = useQuery(["blog", limit, start], () => fetchData(endpoint, QUERY, limit, start), {
keepPreviousData: true,
I get errors:
"Variable "$limit" of required type "Int!" was not provided
"Variable "$start" of required type "Int!" was not provided.
So I'm not passing variables correctly. What am I doing wrong?
From a react-query specific perspective, it looks good:
I'm no graphQL expert, but looking at this example blog post on how to use graphql with fetch
, you need to pass variables
next to the query
as the body
of your fetch
Something like:
body: JSON.stringify({
query: query,
variables: { limit, start }
I think this becomes a bit easier if you use a lightweigt abstraction, like graphql-request
, which is also what the react-query example uses.