I'd like to plot the circle described by the equation |z - 1| = 1
for complex z
. I expected the following to work:
f(x, y) = abs(x + i * y -1)
implicit_plot(f(x, y) - 1, xrange=(-2, 2), yrange=(-2, 2))
but it fails with:
TypeError: unable to coerce to a real number
which seems strange, since abs
does't return a complex number. The following fails with the same error:
f(x, y) = abs(x + i * y -1)
implicit_plot((f(x, y) - 1).real_part(), xrange=(-2, 2), yrange=(-2, 2))
What's the right way to plot this function?
The command defining f
defines it as a symbolic function:
sage: f(x, y) = abs(x + i * y - 1)
sage: f
(x, y) |--> abs(x + I*y - 1)
sage: f(x, y)
abs(x + I*y - 1)
sage: parent(f)
Callable function ring with arguments (x, y)
sage: parent(f(x, y))
Symbolic Ring
The plotting commands to plot f(x, y) - 1
as in the question
trigger internal code to convert the required expression
into a "fast-callable function", which fails.
A workaround, valid for many plotting problems in Sage, is to use a lambda function instead.
For this, just introduce lambda x, y:
before the expression
in x
and y
to be plotted:
sage: implicit_plot(lambda x, y: f(x, y) - 1, xrange=(-2, 2), yrange=(-2, 2))
Launched png viewer for Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive