I've tried to use this code in my .NET 5 Blazor project, in .razor file:
<SignedLabel class="some-css-class" Price=123 Currency=Currency.Usd />
where SignedLabel
- is a Blazor component and Price
, Currency
is the component's input parameters. I expect Blazor to treat the class
word as an html property and apply the plain HTML class to this component so that I can style this component later on. But Blazor actually treats it as another input parameter for component and crashes whole app rendering with error:
Object of type 'SignedLabel' does not have a property matching the name 'class'
So the questions is
PS: project settings:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
</Project >
You cannot apply a class to a Component. You can use splatting to capture attributes placed on a Component to pass as parameter to one of the components elements.
<div @attributes="@CapturedAttributes">
@code {
[Parameter(CaptureUnmatchedValues = true)]
public Dictionary<string,object> CapturedAttributes { get; set; }
<SomeComponent id="fred" class="some-css-class" style="width:100vh" />
<div id="fred" class="some-css-class" style="width:100vh" >